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My name is Ania, and I am a beauty therapist with 20 years of experience.

I am a fully qualified beauty and massage therapist certified in facial reflexology (Sorensensistem), foot reflexology and manual aesthetic non-surgical face lifting massage techniques. Over 20 years I have been my own guinea pig, trying many treatments and products and cosmetic machineries. I have always been extremely diligent in studying and learning as much as possible about them before discarding or incorporating them into my work. I am also certified instructor in the Buteyko breathing method which is a technique designed to improve functional breathing patterns.

My facials are unique. They fuse ancient and traditional methodologies with modern anti-ageing treatments. I like to combine therapeutic and cosmetic benefits when I design my facials, so the whole body benefits. Products and equipment work on the dermis and epidermis, manual face lifting techniques on deeper layers of face like muscles and myofascial, and facial reflexology on the whole body system.


I have grown as a therapist with every passing year and have distilled my practice to a short, curated list of exceptional therapies and practices as my beliefs about beauty have evolved and shifted. 


I have come to believe in a holistic approach bespoke to the individual’s skin and concerns. By that I mean that in order to optimise skin health, you need to restore the whole body’s natural balance. There are so many factors that influence your skin, from genetics, to environmental, to emotional tendencies, that it is in no way surprising that most over-the-counter skin care products fail to deliver on their inauthentic promises. Caring for your skin means caring for yourself from the inside out. I believe in a package of rest, hydration, a quality diet, facial exercise and natural beauty treatments as well as emotional self-care.


Using only natural therapies and products is key in my practice but combining it with advances in modern cosmetology gives an added va-voom. I am exceedingly careful about what kind of equipment and extra products I include in my practice. They need to be very safe and I need to truly believe that they are effective. 

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