Re-educate your breathing to support your health and general well-being.
While breathing is an involuntary activity, these days it has been changed by the stresses of everyday life, processed food, excessive sitting and other environmental factors.
Over a number of years the Buteyko Method has been shown to be efficacious in helping improve a number of breathing related problems like;
Respiratory: asthma, hayfever.
Neurological: stress, anxiety, panic attack.
Sleep disordered breathing: snoring, insomnia.
Functional breathing involves breathing in and breathing out through the nose. The breath is light, effortless and regular. The general movement of breathing is from the diaphragm. Poor breathing for comparison is generally upper chest breathing and through the mouth. The breath is irregular, with frequent yawning or sighing or the feeling of not getting enough air.
Nasal breathing releases Nitric Oxide in the nasal airways. Apart from the numbers of positive qualities of Nitric Oxide, it is significant that Nitric Oxide has antiviral activity that helps to reduce respiratory tract infections. There is also increasing evidence recently showing that Nitric Oxide may suppress Covid 19.
Functional breathing involves exercises that help you switch to nasal breathing, decongest the nose and use diaphragmatic breathing. For further information or for any enquiries about session structure or price, contact Ania directly.